

Jackson 16-Pound Double Faced Sledge Hammer with 36-Inch Hickory Handle


True Temper

Features: -Used for general sledging operations in staking wood, concrete, metal and stone. -Common uses are drifting timbers and striking spikes, star drills and hardened nails. -w/Handle Guard. -With cushion grip. Handle Material: -Wooden. Hammer Type: -Double Face/Sledge. Dimensions: Overall Product Weight: -17 Pounds.
(click image to enlarge)
Quick Overview

  • The 16-pound double faced sledge hammer features a 36-inch hickory handle. The hammer is used for general sledging operations in striking wood, concrete, metal and stone. Traditional hickory will not splinter and will last for years to come.
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Additional Information
Manufacturer: True Temper
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