

Neoprene Flashing Membrane


W.R. Meadows

NEOPRENE FLASHING MEMBRANE is a robust 60-mil uncured neoprene rolled sheet for use as an accessory flashing and protection course with HRM 714 hot-applied rubberized asphalt waterproofing membrane from W. R. MEADOWS. The product offers resistance to UV, oxidation, oils, grease, and solvents. USES NEOPRENE FLASHING MEMBRANE is used for flashing of drains, curbs, transitions, penetrations, and expansion joints as an accessory to HRM 714 hot-applied rubberized asphalt waterproofing membrane. NEOPRENE FLASHING MEMBRANE is intended for exposed conditions in waterproofing and roofing applications.
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    • Factory controlled thickness.
    • Resists weathering in exposed conditions.
    • Ideal for minimal dynamic joint reinforcement.
    • Excellent adhesion properties.
    Additional Information
    Manufacturer: W.R. Meadows
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