



RJD Industries

Fiberglass Formtie Systems - Light and Medium Systems
(click image to enlarge)
Quick Overview
    Featuring the GND6000 and GND15000 Gripper
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The Light SuperTie System offers an ultimate tensile strength of 6,000 pounds (3,000 pounds safe working load at 2:1 safety factor), and is most commonly used with job-built (plywood and 2 by 4) forms and hand-set modular forms. The fiberglass rod diameter is only .308 inches, making the system compatible with most commercial forming systems.

The Medium System, SuperTie XV™, offers an ultimate tensile strength of 15,000 pounds (7,500 swl at 2:1). This system's greater strength makes it attractive to those who need heavier forms and higher concrete placement rates. The .500 inch diameter rod can be used with many commercially available forms.

Both systems are fast, reliable and easy to use. The fiberglass tie will never rust, so no breakback or tie removal is required. Many dollars in labor are saved by using SuperTie, while aesthetically superior architectural finishes result.


Additional Information
Manufacturer: RJD Industries
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